So I thought I would boost a Food of The 5000 Facebook post to atheists and agnostics to ask for feedback. It didn't go over too well - and not in the way I was expecting.
I set up to pay $3 a day for 10 days to boost the page. I was looking forward to critique and I did not expect that it would all be civil (just because it is social media - not because of the target audience). But what I did not realize was that it would be seen (understandably) as annoying, veiled, intrusive, proselytism. So I stopped the boost immediately and posted an explanation and Mea Culpa.
For the record, here is the original post and my explanation:
"Listening to David C. Smalley challenged me to further scrutinize the reason/s why I believe Jesus (Yeshua) of Nazareth rose bodily from the dead and why I believe that the Nicene Creed is accurate enough for me to recite during the Roman Catholic Mass (church service) I attend every week. I came up with '5000' reasons. I wrote about it and set up a free Wix site here: Please note that I did not write it to prove the idea. It was my sincere attempt to challenge my own beliefs. I have changed my belief before, and I am willing to change my belief again if I become convinced of a fuller understanding of the topic. I’m just sharing it to continue to challenge myself. I hope this promotes further understanding through civil discourse. I was surprised when I came up with a reason that I have not heard addressed on Smalley's podcasts (I probably missed it). I also don’t recall it being addressed in the Christian apologetics I have heard or read (which is probably more of a reflection of my ignorance than my originality). I seriously doubt I am out ahead of the apologists with anything new, but it’s a new clarity for me. I am thankful to David Smalley for the challenge. I would greatly appreciate any candid feedback from anyone who gets this page boost. I am boosting it to Atheists and Agnostics in the CA area ($3/day budget for 10 days). This is not a commercial venture on my part or a veiled attempt to proselytize. I have no problem with either of those if they are done in a humanistic way, but this is simply me seeking the truth. Care to join me?
Thanks, Seth Wegher-Thompson
FOODOFTHE5000.WIXSITE.COMFood of The 5000Here is an idea. Humbly offered. It was inspired by David Smalley’s podcast, The Dogma Debate. Please note that I am not writing this to prove the idea. I’m just sharing it. I hope this promotes further understanding through civil discourse. I am willing to change my mind if I become c... "
Here is my explanation:
I received a couple comments 'enlightening' me that boosting a post of this page to atheists and agnostics was, lets just say, not appreciated. This was my first time trying something like this. I thought that the page boost would go out to people who had previously indicated to FB an open interest in atheism and agnosticism. I thought that boosting the post would be OK because it was inspired by and in response to David C. Smalley's Dogma Debate. That appears to have been ignorance on my part. My goal is to challenge my own beliefs and to civilly join in the atheist/theist/agnostic conversation. I don't want to add any more needless animosity. I have stopped boosting Food of The 5000 posts. My bad. Full stop."