My dear friends,
Thanks for loving me, and my family. I love you too.
Since you have offered your thoughts and/or prayers, hear is my prayer request:
"Lord, Yeshua [Jesus], open the doors that you want open for the Wegher-Thompson family, close the doors that you want closed in their lives, and place them in the center of your perfect will."
And here’s a thought:
For those who do not pray or do not pray to Yeshua.
I think it is accurate that “Love is willing the good of the other as other.” (Thomas Aquinas - a ’la Bishop Robert Barron). I am grateful that you will my good. I am honored to have a friend like you who puts their will into action by caring for the sick, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the imprisoned, giving shelter to travelers, and burying the dead. By choosing to do good, here, now, in our world, I believe we are answering my prayer request above.
Thanks for playing!!
Seth W-T